Search X / Field Boosting

Field Boosting

You may boost up to three values for a single field type. For example, prioritize results that contain values ['men', 'bags'] for the field product_type.

SX Type Field Allowed SubFields Allowed Values Description
sx_autocomplete f_boost field 'product_type', 'tags', 'title', 'vendor' Specify the field on which to apply boost.
value string or array Case insensitive matching.

If result items that contain the field specified above, and that field contains the specified values, matching items will be sent to the top of the entire result set. The match is explicit, not ‘contains’. For example, the match is value === 'men', not value.indexOf('men') > -1.

For example, prioritize results that contain the field product_type where its value equals either ['men', 'bags']. Items that where value equals men will be boosted to the top, then items where the value equals bags will be boosted above all others.

If using array here, array can contain maximum of 3 values.
sx_results f_boost field 'author', 'product_type', 'option_0', 'option_1', 'option_2', 'tags', 'title', 'vendor' Specify the field on which to apply boost.
value string or array Case insensitive matching.

If result items that contain the field specified above, and that field contains the specified values, matching items will be sent to the top of the entire result set. The match is explicit, not ‘contains’. For example, the match is value === 'men', not value.indexOf('men') > -1.

For example, prioritize results that contain the field product_type where its value equals either ['men', 'bags']. Items that where value equals men will be boosted to the top, then items where the value equals bags will be boosted above all others.

If using array here, array can contain maximum of 3 values.


  window.sx_results = {
    options: {
      f_boost: {
        field: 'product_type',
        value: ['men', 'bags'] // LOWEST TO HIGHEST PRIORITY